Thursday, July 25, 2013

Utah is HOT

After the long ride yesterday, we got a late start today. Not on the road until 7 am. We thpought the last of the loneliest road was behind us,. We were wrong.

Today the sun was out in full force. Temps went over 100 today. No rain though.

Spotted an orchard of turbines in the wind farm.....

none of them were turning. Too hot to work?
Crossing another high pass, we spotted an unusual ranch gate.
They specialize in antler art, lamps, etc. Must be a lot of elk in this area in order to find that many sheds.
We didn't see any animals today. Well one, but not sure what it is.....
What do you think it looks like?
Finally we cross into Utah, see our first salt lake...

Da'mit thinks Americans are silly. She doesn't understand why some one would throw a good pair of shoes up into a tree. I didn't have an answer for her. She said there must be a lot of Americans walking around barefooted.

The tree of shoes..... near Hinckley, Utah.

Crossing Utah we saw some spectacular scenery, full of color... HOT colors, not watercolors for sure.

Some trees have dried up waiting for rain.

Reaching Green River, UT, we were exhausted from the heat. Da'mit was suffering from the heat too, not running smoothly by the end of the day. In the mornings, she is fine, but by hot afternoon, she wilts. Might be gasoline vaporizing in the carbs from the heat.

Every so often, all day long, we stopped to re-wet scarfs, shirt and helmet liner. Even hot water will cool you when it evaporates on the skin. Plus we drank lots of water.

Tomorrow we turn south to Moab. Have never seen that part of our country. They tell us it is fantastic.

The forecast is for rain. If it is as hot tomorrow as it was today, rain might be a welcome respite.

Nite Da'mit, but she can't hear, is sound asleep.

Nite all.



  1. Yep, our air-cooled rigs definitely don't like hot weather! Could be the gas vaporization you mentioned, hot coil giving out weak spark, might also want to check your air filter and spark plug color. Ah the joys of carbureted steeds.....

    Great pics, stay careful with that heat....perhaps stop more often to let Damit cool a bit?


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